Writing about writing. Read along as the successful author of two book series shares adventures, ideas and news about the creative life.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
"Highly Recommended for Reluctant Readers."
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
My Week with Jane Yolen
I was writing short stories then, in my spare time, while teaching jr. high as a day job. How that worked was a full week of teaching and late night writing sessions on Friday and Saturday nights, after my wife and the kids were asleep. We lived in a series of beach shacks and I remember often working into the early hours, under a single bare light bulb with a twisty switch, which hung from one of those old-time twisted fabric cords. My in-laws had given me some kind of small, portable, blue typewriter that wasn't wonderful but was mine and worked even when the power went out. A good thing at the time along the fringes of outer Puget Sound.
So I had–I think it was–a week with Jane Yolen in an intimate group of maybe twenty. I no longer remember the specifics of what we covered but I remember this: challenging myself to maximize every minute with this women who, even then was both advancing literary giant and industry powerhouse.
Seems like too much praise? Then you haven't read her.
Toward the end of the week, reading student manuscripts aloud and critiquing in class, Yolen would defer to me. I would evaluate and comment and she would finish out or expand with additional comments. It was during that time I first saw Cricket Magazine, recognizing in an instant the publishing pinnacle of that genre, even then. It looked wonderful. Real art and real artists. And I came to find out, in the days of magazines that paid pennies or maybe a nickel a word, Cricket paid a quarter!
I remember thinking ... if I could only publish in Cricket ...
Flashing forward to the interview ... and this is actually what I started out to tell you ... Yolen confided that she beats writer's block by always having several manuscripts in progress. If she gets stuck on one she simply moves to another and never loses the writing momentum.
What she may have been saying, for this is how it's come to work for me, is that I always have several works in progress. For example, I'm now at work on sequels to my two published novels, Cheechako and Indecent Exposure, while also pushing forward nicely in a 'mysterious island' kind of youth novel, plus another older youth fantasy project ... and of course my on-going series for NPR called "Who Died Today."
And how this works is, I walk every day and my mind settles on sections on one or another of the various possibilities, and I will often work on the one I've discovered myself thinking about. The one with a fresh scene imagined or fresh insight. And yes, after all these years, I still don't feel quite comfortable if I haven't written something everyday. Like I sometimes still feel about running.
At the end of my week with Jane Yolen, I went home and wrote a story called "The Day of the Golden Eagle," and submitted it to Cricket. It sold almost immediately. It was the first of a number of my stories they bought and paid me nicely for. And a number of those stories became Cheechako chapters later.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Midwest Book Review – Cheechako!

Jonathan Thomas Stratman
CreateSpace/Amazon Digital Services, Kindle edition
9781470185909 $5.99 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006R2NJ12
Cheechako is a young adult novel that opens with a bang: "Will nearly made it to safety before they spotted him. "Get him!" someone shouted."
With such a vivid opening a young adult reader can't help but continue to absorb the story of greenhorn Will Rollins (cheechako, in Native language), who has a hard time fitting in to his new Alaskan home. His rescue of a stranded dog earns him a sled dog and a new friendship, and Elias teaches him about outdoors survival in Alaska.
Chapters weave an inviting portrait of not just a growing friendship between two very different boys, but a series of lessons in outdoors survival that come in unexpectedly handy when disaster strikes.
There are many other outdoors adventures for young adults on the market, but CHEECHAKO holds more specific survivalist detail than most, backed by strong protagonists and dialogue.
From a wolf's threat and a near-death encounter with snow and cold to a storm that strands Will's family and leaves him their only hope for survival, this pairs vivid and fast-paced adventure with a strong story line that will keep young adults interested in the ultimate outcome.
Cheechako holds many insights and not a few twists and turns, and shows how a loner ultimately makes a name for himself in a challenging social and wilderness environment.
It's a saga young adults - particularly those who like wilderness survival stories - will relish.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
"I was...held hostage to the very last page."
"From the first paragraph, I was totally captivated by this book and held hostage to the very last page.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Here it Comes! Cheechako in Paperback.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Great New "Indecent Exposure" Review
Friday, February 24, 2012
Announcing: Indecent Exposure, an Alaska Mystery Novel

The year is 1955. Eisenhower is President. Al Kaline and the Dodgers still own Brooklyn. And Elvis is driving a truck.
Up north in Alaska, the Cold War heats up fast when secrets are stolen from a Dew Line Radar Station. What the new priest, young Father Hardy, doesn’t know could kill him. A list that includes murderers, spies and survival at forty degrees below zero.
He’s an Episcopal priest, newly ordained and newly a widower. New to this remote Alaskan village, he’s helping the villagers and hiding a broken heart. But who helps him when a body is found and a young girl threatened–when he sees things he just can’t explain?
Can he trust his new friends? Andy–an Athabascan Indian–dead-eye sniper in World War II Italy. And Evie. Is Hardy falling for her? Is she the murderer?
In a land where any exposure is dangerous, indecent exposure kills.
Now available on-line at Amazon Kindle Books.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Writing What You Know

Sunday, February 19, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Appreciating "Wilderness" and Gary Paulsen

Several of the chapters of my new book "Cheechako" were originally published in CRICKET, the children's magazine. In fact, it was one of their editors who sent me a very nice letter saying "this should be a book." While that's a wonderful letter to receive, it still took me about twenty years to put the whole thing together.
It was shortly after that I first met up with "Hatchet," Gary Paulsen's totally absorbing youth novel, enjoyed by youthful readers of all ages. I loved that it was set in the wilderness, loved that the situation puts the boy, Brian, totally off on his own and lets him work it out.
The "off by himself" is critical, even in a story that has nothing to do with the outdoors.
In a summer session with Jane Yolen at Western Washington University, I had written a segment that included a boy magician who went up to his attic to work on spells, and locked the attic door behind him. One of my session-mates questioned locking the door.
Yolen reinforced that locking the door gives that youthful character the independence that having an adventure requires. Much of the chemistry in a youth novel involves settings and situations that put the protagonist on his own. Away from parents and even friends. Most of us can remember how freeing that was in our own lives.
Not all stories can happen in the wilderness, like Paulsen's or mine, sometimes an entire adventure of wilderness, or wildness ... independence ... can be created in a garden, a school for wizards, or at the back of an old wardrobe.
"Hatchet" is a fabulous book. I re-read it almost yearly and collect used copies to hand out. And when people ask me what my book is about, I can tell them enthusiastically that if they liked Paulsen's book they will like "Cheechako."
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
New on Amazon Kindle: Cheechako, an Alaskan Adventure

It's hard to believe the book is finally out ... is finally available. Fact is, I sold a version of the first chapter to Cricket Magazine way back in about 1980. Several of the other chapters first appeared in CRICKET also.
So what took me so long? Life, mostly. My day job is video producer. My wife Billie and I run our own company and do most of our work for non-profits. So we tend to be busy and not all that profitable. As with most start-up writers, the writing happens at the beginning of the day or the end of the day, or on odd weekends or holidays. Or when you're snowed in.
I sometimes travel to produce video. An E-Learning company in Minneapolis, Seward Inc. run by my cousin and good friend, Dr. Greg Sales, sends me around the world to tape teachers to help train other teachers. In the last six years I've worked on revisions to my Alaska story as far afield as Malawi, in south central Africa, and in Oman in the Middle East.
Someone asked me how I knew this books was ready to go out into the world on its own. That's a really good question. Part of the answer is that I have a hard core of readers who review my stuff and are brutally honest. But more than that, this was the first of the several books I've attempted that doesn't have some part of it that I know doesn't work.
Earlier books I attempted always had something that I knew wasn't right but hoped readers might not notice. I know it sounds silly, but you can get pretty tired of pecking away at a manuscript as the years go by.
And this book DOESN'T have that. Every bit works from beginning to end. And when I go away from it for a while, and then come back and read it again, it still works. I still get excited by the adventure even though I know exactly what's going to happen.
The book is "Cheechako," and it's available online at Amazon Kindle Books. You can read about 20 pages for free. Try it, you'll like it.