Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dear Mr. Stratman, Why Did You Become An Author?

Recently I received a letter from Scott, who had just finished reading "Cheechako," in Ms. Slater's Jr. High class in Vermont. Since it's a question I often get from readers, I thought I would also answer it here in the blog. Feel free to write with questions of your own.

Dear Mr. Stratman,

I loved your book.  My favorite part of this excellent book was when Will found the wolf in the snare.  I think it shows that no matter how small you are you can be brave. I also loved all the cliff hangers.  They kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time I read it. I just had to read ahead of the group.

Why did you become an author?

Thanks again,

Dear Scott,

Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond. I’ve been going back and forth between here and an old house I’m fixing up in Oregon and time gets away.

There are a couple of reasons I became an author. I wanted to a long time ago. I read a story in “Boy’s Life,” magazine and got really excited about it. I don’t remember the story but I do remember going to my dad and telling him that I wanted to be a writer. I was probably in 7th grade at the time.

I read everything when I was a kid, even cereal boxes! But what I liked most were adventures, books and stories that made me  feel excited, like it was me going places and having adventures.

The funny thing about writing, for me at least, is that I don’t feel quite balanced if I’m not writing. I get up most mornings at six and write an average of four pages. I also am a guitar player and when I was in high school I wrote songs, poems, and short stories. My first published piece for money was a short story in “Cricket” magazine.

I’ve done other things. I was a teacher, a house-builder, an advertising agency writer, and I’m still a video producer. But all the time I was doing all those other things I have also been writing. I also like to read, when I have time, but mostly I like to write.

Thanks for the question and for liking “Cheechako.”

Best regards,


Jonathan Thomas Stratman
Port Townsend, WA

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