Monday, December 3, 2018

Make sure gift-giving for young children includes a book!

Granddaughter, Ava, reading with DIL, Rachel. 

A child is never too young to benefit from books and being read to. They love the exclusive time to sit with you, to have all of your attention. And even beyond the story or rhyme you're reading, they love other things you make up, like counting objects on the page, or "finding the bunny." 

"... reading with your children gives them critical skills for when they start to read themselves."

1. It is important that children learn to follow words across the page from left to right.
2.  Learn to  turn pages, which are pre-reading skills that benefit children and help them to become better readers later on. 
3. Children who enjoy reading not only do better in language and literacy subjects, but in all of the different subjects as well.

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